Simplicity Digital Advisor


Now is the Time to Schedule Your Fall Financial Review

October is the financial planning month and a great time to meet with your financial professional to ask questions, review policy and portfolio performance, and make decisions that keep you on track with your goals. Regardless of your age, it may be a suitable time for you to schedule a financial review.

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Lowering Interest Rates: Good for the Economy and the Markets?

Interest rates can positively or negatively affect the U.S. economy, the stock markets, and your investments. When the Fed changes the Federal Funds Rate (the rate at which banks can borrow money to lend to businesses or you), it creates a ripple effect. In this article we take a look at how lowering the interest rate can impact you.

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What Does Wealth Mean to You?

When people think of wealth, they might think of examples in film, such as Veruca Salt from the 1971 classic Charlie & the Chocolate Factory. Little Veruca had everything she wanted in life but desired one of Willy Wonka’s geese that laid golden eggs. When Wonka refused to sell the little girl’s father one of his prized fowls, the girl broke into song about how she wanted everything… and ultimately labeled a “bad egg” and sent down the garbage shoot.

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