

Smart Ways to Prepare for Next Year’s Taxes

The financial decisions you make between now and the end of the year can significantly impact how much taxes you will have to pay once tax day arrives. There are things you can do now to help prepare for next year’s taxes.

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What to Know About Today’s Credit Card Interest Rates

Credit cards may make it easy to cover a variety of expenses. Credit card use often helps increase one’s credit score if the balances are paid in full each month and on time. However, mismanaging credit or carrying balances over time can lower credit scores. It may be a risk to your financial future since lenders use credit scores to assess creditworthiness on loans.

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Strategies to Help Your Kids Save for Retirement

Helping your kids save for retirement starts with financial education and discussing the importance of saving for their future. But, besides financial education, there are strategies that you can implement for them at a young age. The strategies can help them get a head start on their retirement savings.

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