

The Greatest Money Making Asset For Working Teens

In this article, we explore why a Roth IRA is one of the greatest money making assets for working teens. When working teens invest early in a Roth IRA, they can contribute to a strategy that could accumulate millions later in retirement. Working teens can contribute to a Roth IRA when a parent or grandparent opens the account. A Roth IRA can be opened at any age if a child has income. For example, if your five-year-old child was a model for a local store and received a paycheck in their name, the amount received can be contributed to a Roth IRA.

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Holiday Season Deplete Your Savings? Here’s How to Recover

If you’re like many, overspending during the holiday season may deplete your savings. It is important for you to recover your savings so you’re financially prepared for unexpected expenses. Here are tips to help you spend less and send more money to your savings:

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Could Inflation Be a Friend and Not a Foe?

When inflation increases, people often feel the sting of paying more for groceries, gas, and almost everything else. Many may feel inflation is terrible because their paychecks are shrinking, and they don’t like paying more for the same items. But inflation also has positive benefits that may occur over time, such as:

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