Simplicity Digital Advisor


The Extended Impact: Why Recessions Aren’t Just About Economic Growth

Recessions, defined by consecutive quarters of negative economic growth, have been a cyclical feature of market economies since their inception. While it’s tempting to quantify a recession solely in terms of GDP contraction. It’s crucial to understand that the implications stretch far beyond economic growth. To truly appreciate the encompassing impacts of a recession, one must delve into various areas that may be affected:

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How AI is Making Financial Fraud Harder to Spot

As we continue to navigate the digital era, the technological advancements of Artificial Intelligence (AI) have impacted many industries, most notably finance and banking.

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6 Reasons Why You Should Have a Personal Budget Calendar

Many people are familiar with budgeting, providing a roadmap for spending habits. While there are many ways to budget, one standout tool is the personal budget calendar, which helps track your income and expenses spread over days, weeks, and months. Personal budget calendars help you plan and control spending, resulting in financial confidence. Here are six reasons why having a personal budget calendar may be beneficial:

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