Simplicity Digital Advisor


Inflation and How It Affects Every Industry

Inflation is the rate at which the cost of goods and services rises. Inflation affects and is measured by the consumer price index (CPI), which monitors the average prices of goods and services across categories like food, vehicles, apparel, and healthcare services.

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5 Ways to Pay for Long Term Care During High Inflation

People are living longer and will likely need long-term care (LTC) at some point in their lives. The unknowns in most financial plans are how many years you will need LTC and what it will cost. Periods of high inflation significantly increase the cost of health care and LTC, even when prices return to normal. According to a study by Healthview Services, retirees will have to pay for healthcare in retirement, with inflation currently at a 40-year high. Other study findings include:

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Teachers Need Financial Planning, Too

..Teachers often have defined benefit pension plans, but similar to other industries, states are ending the use of pension plans requiring teachers to set up their retirement savings plans themselves. In this article, we explore why teachers need financial planning.

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